



Emotional intelligence is a psychological variable that affects personal well-being and transcends the educational field. It is known that learning music provides emotional benefits for people and that emotional intelligence varies by age and gender. Based on these principles, we propose this research with the following objectives: to measure the perceived emotional intelligence of adolescent students of obligatory secondary education from Valencia, to compare by the variables of musician-non-musician and gender; and to explore the effect of music on the perceived emotional intelligence of young musicians considering gender as a var- iable. The final sample comprised a total of 409 adolescents of between 11 and 16 years of age. The data collection tools were an ad hoc sociodemographic questionnaire and the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24). The results of the sta- tistical analyses displayed significant differences by gender in emotional attention; a positive correlation between age and attention, which increases with progress through ado- lescence; and a significant effect that reveals greater emo- tional clarity in musicians. This effect occurs independently of the gender of the subject, and so it benefits boys and girls equally.

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Author Biography

Ana María Botella-Nicolás. Full Professor in the Department of Physical, Artistic and Music Education of the Faculty of Teaching of the Universidad de Valencia. Doctorate in Pedagogy from the Universidad de Valencia. Licentiate degree in Musicology and master’s in Music Education from the Universidad de Oviedo. Professional degree specialising in piano and international master’s in the same speciality. Her principal lines of research are the didactics of listening, innovation and interdisciplinarity in teacher training, and updating teaching methodologies. She is the author of over a hundred publications in her area of specialisation, music teaching, including articles in peer-reviewed international academic journals. A selection of her publications are available from her online profile https://uv.academia.edu/ABotellaNicolás or her webpage https://www.anamariabotellanicolas.com.


Inmaculada Retamero-García. Associate Professor at the Universidad Internacional de Valencia, currently working on the degree in Musicology and the Music Mention of the Primary Education degree. She teaches classical guitar, is a specialist music teacher in primary education, and a specialist teacher in obligatory secondary education, a musicologist, and a doctor of Specific Didactics, specialising in music. Her research interests combine music and education; especially the search for the benefits that practising an instrument provides for children and adolescents. She is currently focusing on studying psychological variables, comparing musicians and non-musicians. The principal objective of this line of research is to provide data that relate these benefits to educational variables, making it possible to call for this subject’s own space in the curriculum.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

emotional intelligence, adolescence, music education, music, gender, educational research, emotional wellbeing, emotional attention, academic performance, education, music training, emotional repair