
Número | Issue 213 (1999)



Educational processes and rural school. Teacher training, teaching practice and expectations before
Ángel García Del Dujo y Margarita González Sánchez

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Educative aspects of drugdependency
Pilar Ibáñez López y María P. Senra Varela

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An empirical validation of the damage theories in school directives/headship in Spain
Óscar Sáenz Barrio y Santiago Debón Lamarque

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Estudio crítico de la dirección escolar en España
Óscar Sáenz Barrio y Santiago Debón Lamarque

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Aspectos educativos de la drogodependencia
Pilar Ibáñez López y María P. Senra Varela

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Citizenship education. Requirement of the civil society
Gloria Pérez Serrano

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