
Número | Issue 215 (2000)



Conceptual change at school
Aurora Lacueva.

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A training programme to prevent and treat students absenteeism at Primary School
Bernardo Gargallo López y Pedro Garfella Esteban y Francesc J. Sánchez Peris

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Violence on television as a source of learning and imitation for children
María Del Carmen García Galera.

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Reflections on the concept of giftedness: Evolution of the paradigm
Marta Reyero y Javier Tourón

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A model for a complete education attending to values
Enrique Gervilla Castillo

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Cambio conceptual en la escuela
Aurora Lacueva.

Downloads: 43


Un programa de intervención para prevención y tratamiento del absentismo escolar en Primaria
Bernardo Gargallo López, Pedro Garfella Esteban y Francesc J. Sánchez Peris

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Exploración de la Teoría de la mente en una población especial: creencia falsa
Teresa Fernández De Vega e Isabel Lozano Guerra

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Un modelo axiológico de educación integral
Enrique Gervilla Castillo

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En torno al concepto de superdotación: evolución de un paradigma
Marta Reyero y Javier Tourón

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Exploring Theory of Mind in special population: the false belief task
Teresa Fernández De Vega e Isabel Lozano Guerra

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