
From urbanity to social-civic education. Approaches to the social code in the school curriculum unde


In this paper, we intend to analyse the express curriculum of primary school in the Franco period, to identify the changes experienced in the school education way of approaching the study of the social code, traditionally linked to the subject of urbanity, as a result of the social, political and educational changes of this long historical cycle. For such purpose, we focus on two main sources, namely legislation, which reflects the true educational goals of each political stage along the regime, and texbooks, loyal picture of the practical application of such goals in the schools.

Among the most important changes in the approaches to the social code in education during the Franco period, the analysis shows a clear trend towards the feminisation of urbanity as a subject, which strengthens its presence in the specific girl's curriculum, with its visibility degree depending on the subject designations. Other significant changes are the gradual dissolution of the discipline into related fields of study, linked to modern concepts of civic and social education, and its curricular approach in the scope of habituation.

Key words: urbanity, social code, history of school curriculum, civic-social education.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

urbanity, social code, history of school curriculum, civic-social education.