
e-education: A challenge for the digital society in schools


In this article, we claim that the arrival of the Information Society -with its subsequent innovations and changes- generates a different platform for professional action. There is a qualitative break, which differentiates between good education outside the Information Society and quality education derived from the Information Society, where the New Information and Communication Technologies become key pedagogical tools for teachers. Bearing the above in mind, education professionals have to face the glocal challenge.

They must deal with local issues, but with the general perspective provided by the Knowledge Society, that requires innovation, competencies development and strategic planning. The educational environment is here the basic element of the process, and education professionals have to be able to analyse the ethos of the school, as well as the possibilities of the school system within their competence's field. The brainware and the orgware become goals for the lifelong learning of the teaching staff. The e-education, as a task, means the development of skills, habits, attitudes and knowledge that enable people to be, move, intervene, act, learn and interrelate within the electronic 'space'. E-education, as performance, happens to be the acquisition -within the education process- of a number of ways of doing things, which enable students to decide and develop their projects by using the 'virtual experience'. The article ends by stating that e-education is a challenge for the Digital Society within schools, that requires technical competence and it constitutes a strategic innovation goal to which Pedagogy can offer task orientation and action paths.

Key words: e-Education, information society, digital society, new tecnologies, profesional competencies, tecnological innovation, brainware, orgware

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Palabras clave | Keywords

e-Education, information society, digital society, new tecnologies, profesional competencies, tecnological innovation, brainware, orgware