
School spaces, functions and tasks: location of the headship's office in the graded school


This research is based on the thesis that exists a close relationship between the location and internal layout of space given over to any specific school activity and the nature, importance and conception of each. In brief, this article applies this general thesis to a specific school space (the principal's office) and a certain type of school (the graded one).

Bearing in mind the relationships that likewise exists between the genesis and the diffusion of the graded school in Spain throughout the XXth century, and the genesis and consolidation of the figure of principal at the primary education, this research aims to analyse the relation- ships that have existed between physical location of the principal's office and the different conceptions of the nature, role, and functions of the post of principal, a key aspect of the school organization.

Key words: Headship, School space, Graded school, School architecture, Building schools, School organization.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

schoolorganization, schoolspace