
Pedagogical convictions and the development of personality of girls and males


The European Union Treaty of Lisbon 2007 includes the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, that was firstly approved in 2000. In the text of this Charter, for the first time, we can see the pedagogical convictions in the same place as the traditional religious and philosophical convictions. The article begins studying the five Sentences of the European Tribunal of Human Rights about convictions: the Case Kjeldsen, Busk Madsen and Pedersen (1976), the Case Campbell and Cosans (1982), the Case Valsamir (1996), the Case Folgero (2007) and the Case Hasan and Eylem Zengin (2007). The analysis of these Sentences permits to know what kind of respect to the pedagogical convictions it is possible to demand to the State. After, these ideas are applied to two topical issues.
The first one is about some aspects of the Education for Citizenship. matter that has been recently introduced in the Spanish compulsory curriculum, in order to understand the reasons of the wide social malaise that has provoked, comparing the European demands of respect to convictions with the Spanish public policy that has been followed. The second is about the revival of single-sex schools, and it is showed its lawfulness, according with the International Treaties, and its pedagogical appropriateness without any monopolistic expectation as much for boys as for girls 10 to 18 years old and its consequences for an educational policy interested in facilitating the development of personality of the younger generation.

Key Words: Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Tribunal of Human Rights, Respect to Pedagogical Convictions, Education for Citizenship, Single-sex education, Politics of education.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Tribunal of Human Rights, Respect to Pedagogical Convictions, Education for Citizenship, Single-sex education, Politics of education.