
Academic goals of blind or visually impaired students


Based on the theory of academic goals, the performance of visually impaired students is checked and compared to the typology of goals (learning goals, social reinforcement goals and performance goals) obtained in other studies (Hayamizu and Weiner, 1991; Núñez and González-Pienda, 1994; González, Torregrosa and Navas, 2002). The participants are 50 students members of the ONCE (Spanish Organization for the Blind), between 8 and 27 years old, who answer the questionnaire on goals prepared by Hayamizu, Hito and Metas académicas en alumnos con ceguera y deficiencia visual Yohiazaki (1989). The factorial analyses show that goals vary in these students and new ones emerge in relation with the overcoming of challenges or obtaining rewards.

Key Words: Learning goals, social reinforcement goals, performance goals, motivation, goal orientation.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Learning goals, social reinforcement goals, performance goals, motivation, goal orientation.