

This research study analyses the teaching of music through a blended-learning approach in a primary teaching degree programme offered by a faculty of education. A multi-method approach with qualitative and quantitative tools was used. These tools enabled us to analyse the effectiveness of the training and the variables that affect how students rate the training they receive. The results were satisfactory with the training meeting the expectations of students and teachers alike. The results illustrate the need to offer students technical assistance, the importance of the role of the teacher, and the fundamental need to carry out face-to-face sessions. We conclude that there is a need in society for continuing education which is difficult to combine with work life. Therefore, it is essential to change how we understand and experience universities; they should provide greater flexibility and be more closely connected with the real world.

Cite this article as: Toboso Ontoria, S., Tello Díaz-Maroto, I., & Álvarez García, F. J. (2017). Formación musical universitaria en un contexto de enseñanza blended-learning | University musical training in a blended-learning context. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 75 (268), 497-515. doi: 10.22550/REP75-3-2017-02

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Author Biography

Susana Toboso Ontoria. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Inmaculada Tello Díaz-Maroto. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Francisco José Álvarez García. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

blended-learningmusicaltraining, musicaleducationandInternet, musicaltrainingthroughblended-learning