

Kohlberg’s theory about the development of moral judgement is regarded as bein very important in educational practice. This article addresses his legacy and his influence in the current educational setting, especially at university level. It will also try to note possible criticisms and misinterpretations of his ideas. To this end, relevant literature relating to the author will be analysed and discussed. There are two areas of the current university pedagogical model that draw on Kohlberg as a source: an increase in methodologies that address ethical dilemmas and the idea of bringing the university closer to reality, promoting it as a community service. The article concludes with a discussion of possible deficiencies resulting from Kohlberg’s theories. Areas discussed include the current approach to university education in terms of competencies, the pursuit of utility as a trend in university pedagogy, and the importance of understanding cultural formation linked to moral education and the vital system of community ideas.

Cite this article as: Caro Samada, C., Ahedo Ruiz, J. and Esteban Bara, F. (2018). La propuesta de educación moral de Kohlberg y su legado en la universidad: actualidad y prospectiva | Kohlberg’s moral education proposal and its legacy at university: present and future. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (269), 85-100. doi: 10.22550/REP76-1-2018-04

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Author Biography

Carmen Caro Samada is Coordinator of the Department of Family, School and Society of Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR); National End of Career Award and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Navarra. Her main lines of research have been centered on topics such as narrative and moral education, family orientation, as well as the study of educational challenges in virtual environments and ethical-civic learning.

Josu Ahedo Ruiz has a PhD in Philosophy and Letters from Universidad de Navarra and has been a secondary and high school teacher for 16 years. He has devoted several years to strategic communication, especially in the political sphere. He is currently Vice-Rector of Students and Academic Quality and Lecturer of the Faculty of Education at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). He is the author of several scientific publications on personalized education, family policy and education of the will.

Francisco Esteban Bara is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Education at Universidad de Barcelona (UB). PhD in Pedagogy and Philosophy. His lines of research have focused on character education in the university, and mission of the 21st century university. He is a member of the Research Group in Moral Education of the UB.

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Palabras clave | Keywords

competency-basededucation, moraldevelopment, roleofteachers