

Introduction: School failure is a major challenge at individual and social levels, owing to its negative impact on social cohesion, citizen participation, economic development, and sustainability and also its impact on health habits. Various studies have shown the link between family socio-economic level and educational results, to the point that this factor has been regarded as their principal
determinant. Nonetheless, the essentially attributing school failure to the students’ milieu is only descriptive in value and could impede the development of more appropriate responses to this challenge. A better systemic and integral understanding of the phenomenon might contribute to a better approach to the problem through the development of new proposals for public policy and socio-educational actions. To this end, it is necessary to have appropriate measurement instruments that evaluate different dimensions in an integrated manner. Method: The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire on Determinants of Success at School (QDSS) in a sample of 858 secondary-school students resident in vulnerable socio-demographic settings from 5 Spanish cities. The questionnaire combines items about factors that specialist literature has significantly linked to educational attainment, excluding those that already have specific validated questionnaires. Results: The principal component analysis gave 7 factors: school environment, relationships with classmates, personal expectations, social capital, ITC study resources, climate in class, and family support. The goodness of fit indices show good properties for the questionnaire. Conclusion: The QDSS is an instrument that has appropriate psychometric properties for use in identifying factors that support educational success in secondary-school students.

Cite this article as: Longás Mayayo, J., Carrillo Álvarez, E., Fornieles Deu, A. and Riera i Romani, J. (2018). Desarrollo y validación del cuestionario sobre condicionantes de éxito escolar en alumnos de secundaria | Development and validation of a questionnaire about determinants of academic success in secondary school students. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (269), 55-82. doi: 10.22550/REP76-1-2018-03

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Author Biography

Jordi Longás Mayayo is a Lecturer of the Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports. He coordinated the R+D on Education Success in Contexts of Vulnerability and he is the Executive Director of the Scientific Management Team of the CaixaProinfancia program at Obra Social «La Caixa». His main lines of research focus on academic success, socio-educational networks, school management and teachers welfare.

Elena Carrillo Álvarez is Lecturer at the Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull Faculty of Health Sciences, Main Researcher of the research group Global Research on Wellbeing (GRoW) and member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Her research focuses on: the promotion of a healthy diet in different socioeconomic groups and the development of socio-educational governance networks that connect social, education and health agents, from a health determinants perspective.

Albert Fornieles Deu holds a PhD in Psychology from Universidad de Barcelona (1995) with bachelor's degrees in Psychology (UB 1989) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (UNED 2006). He is currently working with the Blanquerna Foundation in the project «Research on school success in contexts of poverty and social vulnerability at the Spanish State level». He also participates in the project «Food insecurity, weight discrimination, eating disorders and psychological well-being in Spanish adolescents».

Jordi Riera Romaní is Professor of Education at Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, in the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports. He has been Head of the Department of Education and Dean of the same Faculty (1996-2004), and is currently Vice Chancellor of Academic Policy and Deputy Rector of Universidad Ramón Llull. He is also Principal Investigator of the Consolidated Research Group of «Pedagogy, Society and Innovation with the support of ICT (PSITIC)».

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Palabras clave | Keywords

poverty, questionnaire, successatschool, validation