

This article starts by examining the roots of the European Union, the first manifestation of which was the «Europe of Six», conceived by a group of people nowadays known as the «founding fathers of the EU». It then moves on to consider the educational discourses that supported the establishment of democracy in countries where this supranational political agreement was developing. The end of the First World War (1914-1918), one hundred years ago this year, saw the start of a process of peaceful reconstruction in which the foundations of a European federation to maintain internal peace were laid.
From this perspective, Europe has not only been a superlative example of political understanding but also, and predominantly, a pedagogical success story. This is why Europe is, has been, and will always be, a pedagogical project above all. In light of the new challenges we are facing today (break-up as a result of Brexit, citizens’ mistrust of its institutions,
the constant threat in markets from emerging powers, and multicultural societies, to name but a few), the solution must be educational. The pedagogical «founding fathers» of Europe tried to consolidate democracy by putting the citizen at its centre. Returning to and updating its foundational educational discourses could reposition our educational actions for reformulating the European Union.

Cite this article as: Vilafranca Manguán, I., Cercós Raichs, R., & García Farrero, J. (2018). Los «padres» pedagógicos de Europa. Discursos educativos fundacionales para la integración europea, cien años después de la Gran Guerra | The pedagogical founding fathers of Europe: foundational education discourses for European integration, one hundred years after the First World War. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (270), 335-351. doi: 10.22550/REP76-2-2018-06

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Author Biography

Isabel Vilafranca Manguán has a Phd in Pedagogy from the Universidad de Barcelona. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education in the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Barcelona. She specialises in studying pedagogical ideas and theories, in particular the philosophical and educational currents relating to German idealism. She currently leads the project «Pedagogical thinking and educational discourses in European construction a hundred years after the First World War. Between the past and the future» as part of the RecerCaixa programme.

Raquel Cercós Raichs has a degree in Pedagogy from the Universidad de Barcelona and is an Associate Professor in the Universidad de Barcelona’s Faculty of Education. She has focussed on studying the concepts, discourses, and narratives of Pedagogies of Masculinity through the links established between power, gender, and education, with her area of attentionbeing Victorian England and its reception and critique in the United States. Another of her lines of research is corporality and pedagogy.

Jordi Garcia Farrero won the Special Doctorate Prize from the Universidad de Barcelona (2012-2013). He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education in the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Barcelona and is an Advisor on the Social Education degree at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). He is the author of the book Caminar. Experiencias y prácticas formativas (Walking: Training experiences and practices, 2014).

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Palabras clave | Keywords

Civiceducation, Europeaneducation, EuropeanUnion, internationalsolidarity, peaceeducation