

This piece argues that the Revista de Educación, and the other academic journals on education in Spain, are in general fully integrated into the academic-administrative system and that the rules that shape university life also affect academic journals.
Two types of measure are proposed to maximise the benefit from these journals’ contribution to university life: measures relating to the academic career path, which would maximise the importance of published research, and measures relating to the evaluation of academic publications, in which the need to improve awareness of evaluation criteria and their quality is emphasised.

With regards to the academic career, it is argued that this should have a better model for progression and feature more incentives linked to six-year periods of research activity (sexenios), and that a more objective and automatic process for attaining a chair is necessary, one which is linked to individual merits and not to the specific circumstances of the universities.

To this end, it is proposed that: the number of pay grades on the academic career path should be increased, increasing the distinction in pay and standing between the entry level and top level; the number of steps on the academic career should be increased; and that the system should be more objective. This would result in a professional career that would go from having two steps (profesor titular and catedrático) to having six, linked to sexenios.

This whole design is based on recognition of sexenios and so it would be necessary to make changes to them. A system for evaluating research activity is proposed in which the evaluation criteria for academic journals are more transparent, more objective, more automatic, and, importantly, consistent over time.

This piece concludes that to optimize evaluation of academic activity, its subjects should receive feedback. If neither journals nor researchers know in detail the criteria on which they will be evaluated or the detailed results of this evaluation, this judgement becomes a summary trial and so its chances of influencing the system are severely reduced.

Cite this article as: Gaviria, J. L. (2018). Las revistas científicas en educación y el contexto académicoadministrativo. Algunas propuestas de cambio | Scientific journals in education and the academic-administrative context. Some proposals for change. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (271), 519-540. doi: 10.22550/REP-3-2018-07

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Author Biography

José-Luis Gaviria is Professor of Research Methods in Education at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been President of the Spanish Pedagogy Society from September 2008 to September 2016. He is specialized in the evaluation of educational systems and is the Director of the Complutense research group «Measurement and Evaluation of Educational Systems» and Chief Editor of the Journal Revista de educación, published by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (Spanish Government).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

evaluationofacademicjournals, evaluationofresearchactivity, professionalincentives, universitycareerpath