

Few pedagogical research journals around the world have managed to continue being a success for 75 years. Therefore, it was reasonable to celebrate this anniversary and reflect on the paths followed to get to this point. Firstly, the need to combat the convenience of acquiescing to what is socially dominant and so awaken a desire to improve the objective quality of educational work are considered. In addition, the importance of encouraging the imagination in order to discover how to meet the challenges of the present moment and the need to protect the Journal’s reputation are noted, something as complex and keenly debated as it is necessary.

The piece concludes by providing the main data about the Journal’s past and present as well as making a proposal for how to develop it in the future, and to this end it underlines the importance of encouraging creativity in the search for pedagogical answers to the main problems facing education in our time.

Cómo citar este artículo: Ibáñez-Martín, J. A. (2018). Las revistas de investigación como humus de la ciencia, donde crece el saber | Research journals as the topsoil where scientific knowledge grows. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (271), 541-554. doi: 10.22550/REP-3-2018-08

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Author Biography

José Antonio Ibáñez-Martín was awarded a PhD in Philosophy by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, where he was Professor of Philosophy of Education until becoming Emeritus Professor. He is currently the Vice-Rector for Doctoral Studies at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and the Director of the revista española de pedagogía. He has received many prizes. The King of Spain awarded him the Grand Cross of Alfonso X the Wise.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

75thanniversaryoftherevistaespañoladepedagogía, dataabouttherevistaespañoladepedagogía, dedicationtotheprincipalproblemsofeducationalwork, imagination, qualityineducationalresearch