

Imanol Ordorika


Academic journals have undergone profound changes since they were established as the main elements in the evaluation of scholars and scientists in universities and other research institutions. The development of impact and performance indicators based on the number of publications and citations has distorted the choice of topics, the identification of audiences and the characteristics of academic work. Impact indicators and other metrics reproduce biases —thematic, disciplinary and linguistic— that exacerbate the degree of stratification among academics and institutions. It is important to recognize the traps facing academic publications and the distortions they create, in order to design publishing options that strengthen journals and the academic output that supports them.

Cite this article as: Ordorika, I. (2018). Las trampas de las publicaciones académicas | The academic publishing trap. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 76 (271), 463-480. doi: 10.22550/REP-3-2018-04

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Author Biography

Imanol Ordorika es Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Educación por la Universidad de Stanford e Investigador titular en el Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (UNAM). Sus principales temas de investigación son política y universidad, globalización, educación superior y movimientos sociales en la educación. Es Director General de Evaluación Institucional de la UNAM y Director de la Revista de la Educación Superior.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

bibliometrics, evaluationofacademics, scienceandtechnologyadministration, scientificactivity, scientificpublication