

Alignment with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has involved changes in teaching methodology and in the learning process, which have led to a change in student workload. The main aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the perception of the workload of undergraduate and graduate psychology students and to analyse the nature of the changes produced by this adaptation. The sample comprised 845 students (497 readings for the licentiate’s degree and 348 for the bachelor’s degree). To measure perceived workload, the NASA-TLX scale was used. This evaluates the following dimensions: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, performance, and frustration/dissatisfaction; these variables were evaluated for the following academic activities: attending theoretical classes, attending practical classes, conducting group work outside the classroom, searching for material and bibliography, studying and personal work, attending tutorials, and other activities (seminars, conferences, etc.). The results show a significant increase in the perceived load of attendance in practical classes, in the performance of group work outside the classroom and in total perceived workload for bachelor’s degree students. It is concluded that adjusting to the EHEA has involved an increase in perceived workload for students. This points to a need to work in the classroom on developing interpersonal skills and planning and organization of teamwork, as well as greater coordination between teachers in the evaluation systems.

This is the English version of an article originally printed in Spanish in issue 272 of the revista española de pedagogía. For this reason, the abbreviation EV has been added to the page numbers. Please, cite this article as follows: López-Núñez, M. I., Rubio-Valdehita, S., & Díaz-Ramiro, E. (2019). Cambios producidos por la adaptación al EEES en la carga de trabajo de estudiantes de Psicología | Changes in Psychology students’ workload due to alignment with the EHEA. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 77 (272), 163-176. doi: 10.22550/REP77-1-2019-02

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Author Biography

María Inmaculada López-Núñez is a PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Lecturer in the Social, Occupational and Differential Psychology Department at this university. She teaches in the Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, and on the Master’s in Teacher Training, in the Occupational Training and Orientation speciality in the Faculty of Education. Her main lines of research: occupational psychology, professional competence development and acquisition, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


Susana Rubio-Valdehita has a PhD in Psychology and is graduated in Primary School Teaching. She works as a Lecturer and Head of the Social, Occupational and Differential Psychology Department at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her research focuses on evaluating workload. Selected publications: «Development of the Car-Men-Q Questionnaire for mental workload assessment» (Psicothema, 2017), and «Academic context and perceived mental workload of psychology students» (Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2014).


Eva María Díaz-Ramiro has a PhD in Psychology and is a Professor in the Social, Occupational and Differential Psychology Department at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Selected publications: «Development of the CarMen-Q Questionnaire for mental workload assessment» (Psicothema, 2017) and «Academic context and perceived mental workload of psychology students» (Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2014).


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