
Enseñanza del cristianismo y cultivo de la inteligencia




From its very beginnings, the teaching of Christianity has been characterised by its cul- tivation of intelligence. This task is still fundamental, especially as education does not always succeed in harmonising the intellectual dimen- sion with other dimensions (especially the emo- tional or affective and social dimensions), which often come to the fore. However, it is necessary to demand that the educational task refers to reason theoretically and in practice, and here this is presented as an objective. Within this framework, this work considers that Christian education provides the light of faith, faith which enters into relationship with reason and, there- fore, with culture or cultures. This is presented, in religious education classes in a dialogue be- tween ethics, science and religion, with a view to the interdisciplinary nature of education. The teaching of Christianity has its scientific roots in theology, on the level of both speculation and practical wisdom. In conclusion, religious educa- tion classes, with their humanising and educational potential and their proclamation of faith, can enrich reason and the works of humankind. All of this is especially relevant when illuminat- ing the intellectual approaches and existential attitudes of young people.

Referencias | References

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Author Biography

Ramiro Pellitero Iglesias is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at the Universidad de Navarra, where he obtained his doctorate. In recent years he has promoted IDRs (interdisciplinary religious studies departments) in schools in Europe and America. His research interests include education in faith in relation to ideologies. His publications include: La teología del laicado en la obra de Yves Congar (1996) or Renovar la educación de la fe. Claves del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (2019).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

faith, morality, reason, science