



The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual model that links the influence of a gamified context to aspects relating to self-regulation in learning. Although extensive literature has been written on the subject of self-regulated learning, there has been little exploration of the environment and works that consider gamification as an effective tool for creating a favourable teaching-learning context to stimulate self-regulation are non-existent. The combination of these two lines, which until now have been studied in isolation, might encourage the teaching community to direct its efforts towards the design of gamified systems within the classroom to instruct and encourage self-regulation. The proposed model presents the key variables to consider, along with a solid theoretical justification for the proposals made.

Please, cite this article as follows: García Magro, C., & Martín Peña, M. L. Aprendizaje autorregulado y gamificación en educación superior: propuesta de un modelo de análisis | Self-regulated learning and gamification in higher education: a proposal for an analysis model. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79 (279), 341-361. 10.22550/REP79-2-2021-02

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Author Biography

Cristina García Magro obtained her doctorate in Administration and Logistics for Security and Defence Systems at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Her principal research interests are servitisation, design of services, and gamification. She is the author of various publications in indexed journals.


María Luz Martín Peña obtained her doctorate in Economics and Business Sciences (Special Doctoral Thesis Prize) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is Associate Professor of Business Organisation at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Her principal research interests are servitization, operations strategy and environmental management in businesses. She has actively researched and published on educational innovation. Author of numerous publications in indexed journals and academic books.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

educationalenvironment, gamification, learningmethod, self-regulatedlearning