
La calidad regulatoria de los marcos normativos: una aproximación crítica




The regulation on education suffers from the lack of regulatory quality of many laws and regulations that has been denounced in many countries. The concern for the quality of the norms is old, but it has intensified in the face of “motorized” and “unbridled” legislation that is being the result of the exercise of the normative power by the social and democratic constitutional State under the rule of law. Some causes of the degradation of legislative quality, still limited by the fundamental role of consti­tutions and international treaties, can be iden­tified. Among the means for remedying or, at least, alleviating or curbing the problem, Spain has, although still with limited effectiveness to date, the role given to the Council of State, the General Codification Commission, the Office of Coordination and Regulatory Quality and the Constitutional Court. Particularly noteworthy are some defects or aspects that could be im­proved on in terms of the quality of the legal framework formed by the main statutes (organ­ic laws) regulating education in Spain.

The entire analysis focuses on the legal meth­od, the basis of well-founded doctrinal opinions, legal information and some judicial decisions, under a concept of knowledge or legal science that assumes the integrity of its understanding from the Digest of Justinian Roman Law as div­inarum atque humanarum rerum notitia, iusti atque iniusti scientia, and which, therefore, is founded on ontological anthropology and in­cludes due attention to logic and linguistics. The conclusion arises from the study as a whole: the goal of achieving legislative quality that arises from the outset as a substantive requirement of all legislation, and which is so lacking, cannot fail to be decisively and critically pursued.

Please, cite this article as follows: Martínez López-Muñiz, J. L. (2022). La calidad regulatoria de los marcos normativos: una aproximación crítica | The regulatory quality of legal frameworks: A critical approach. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (281), 75-89. 10.22550/REP80-1-2022-03

Referencias | References

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Cited laws

Organic Law 8/1985, of 3 July 1985, regulating the Right to Education (LODE). Spanish Official State Gazette, 159, 04 July 1985. https://www. boe.es/eli/es/lo/1985/07/03/8/con

Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December 2001, on Uni­versities (LOU). Spanish Official State Gazette, 307, 24 December 2001, pages 49400 to 49425. https://www.boe.es/eli/es/lo/2001/12/21/6

Organic Law 5/2002 of 19 June 2002 on Qualifi­cations and Vocational Training (LOCFP). Spanish Official State Gazette, 147, of 20 June 2002, pages 22437 to 22442. https://www.boe. es/eli/es/lo/2002/06/19/5

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Author Biography

José Luis Martínez López-Muñiz holds a PhD in Law from the Universi­dad de Oviedo. Full Professor of Admin­istrative Law at Universidad de Valladolid from 1988 to 2015. From September 2015 he has been Emeritus Professor at this university. He is the author of a couple of hundred publications on various top­ics relating principally to administrative, constitutional and EU law, some of which are dedicated to various aspects of the law relating to education. He was a member of the Central Electoral Board (1991-1994) and of the Council of Universities/Council of University Coordination (1994-2007), by appointment of the Congress or Senate. He is a full member of the Royal Academy of Law and Legislation of Valladolid.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

constitutionalityoflaws., educationallegislation, goodregulations, legalcertainty, Legislativequality