
Concepciones subyacentes a la construcción del conocimiento: un modelo desde la didáctica de la historia




The aim of this article is, given the scarcity of studies in the field of education, to es­tablish a model of the concepts underlying the methodological dimension of the con­struction of historical knowledge. To do so, we start by defining the operations of the historical method, which make up the empirical variables. We then consider the contributions from didactics to define the constructs. The initial model comprises two dimensions: structuring operations, which are defined as the operations essential for proceeding in accordance with the historical method, which entails methodical thought; and alternative operations, which provide divergence and multiplicity, in accordance with an avant-garde history. To verify the model, we designed an objective instrument with 44 items and carried out a study with 222 subjects, aged between 13 and 18. The data were analysed using a variety of pro­cedures (Pearson correlations, CFA, descrip­tive statistics, etc.), using SPSS and MPlus statistical software. Among other interest­ing results, verifying the proposed model involves verifying a structure established in accordance with the nature of the opera­tions, confirming the proposed dimensions. This configuration of the model has impli­cations for the field of research as well as direct consequences for classroom practice.

Please, cite this article as follows: Ponce Gea, A. I., & Sánchez-Pérez, N. (2022). Concepciones subyacentes a la construcción del conocimiento: un modelo desde la didáctica de la historia | Conceptions underlying the construction of knowledge: A model from history teaching. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 80 (282), 269-287. 10.22550/REP80-2-2022-04

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Author Biography

Ana Isabel Ponce Gea. Graduate in Primary Education from the Universidad de Murcia. Doctorate in Education from the Universidad de Murcia and Doctorate in History from the Universidade do Porto. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the Universidad de Alicante. She is part of the “Spain in the 20th Century: 2nd Republic, Francoism and Democracy” research group and of the “University Institute for Latin American Social Studies” at the same institution. She also collaborates in the Transdisci­plinary Culture, Space, and Memory Re­search Centre in the Faculty of Languages and Literature of the Universidade do Porto. Her main lines of research centre on the development of historical thinking, the construction of identities, the use of heritage as a source, and designing and validating tests.


Noelia Sánchez-Pérez. Doctorate in Psychology from the Universidad de. She is currently contracted as an Assis­ tant Professor in the Evolutionary and Educational Psychology Area of the Fac­ulty of Social and Human Sciences at the Universidad de Zaragoza and is coordi­nator of the Degree in Early Childhood Teaching in this faculty. Collaborating researcher at the Basque Center on Cog­nition, Brain and Language and in the Cognitive Neuroscience Group of the Universidad de Murcia. Her research in­terests centre on study of self-regulation processes from a multidisciplinary per­spective to establish the relationships between self-regulation during child­hood and academic performance, or the development of cognitive training pro­grammes for students to improve their cognitive and academic skills.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

conceptions, creative thought, historical thinking, methodical thought