



The aim of this work is to examine the pedagogical work of this Catalan philosopher (teacher, never better said) and offer a summary of his thought. The methodology comprises an exhaustive review of the primary sources (complete works) adding secondary sources that are considered relevant. As a result, we identify the sources he draws on for his pedagogy: primarily Cossío, but also Husserl, Scheler, Fichte, Vives, Llull, Rousseau, and Bergson. We then trace what his systematic pedagogy might be: the final cause, the efficient cause (the teacher), the material cause (the student), the method, the educational action and the pedagogical antinomies. On the one hand, we discuss the content that education should have and the values that should guide it, and, on the other hand, the three basic stages of the educational process, primary, secondary and higher education, according to how Xirau conceptualises them. To conclude, we analyse some common common-places from then and now in the world of education, to which Xirau pays particular attention.

Please, cite this article as follows: Vilarroig-Martín, J. (2023). La pedagogía de Joaquín Xirau: entre la tradición y la modernidad [Joaquín Xirau’s pedagogy: Between tradition and modernity]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (286), 511-526. https://doi.org/10.22550/REP81-3-2023-04

Referencias | References

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L’amor i la percepcio dels valors [Love and the perception of values] (pp. 77-132).

Amor y mundo [Love and the world] (pp. 133-263).

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Manuel B. Cossío y la educación en España [Manuel B. Cossío and education in Spain] (pp. 3-214).

Vida y obra de Ramón Llull [Life and work of Ramón Llull] (pp. 215-350).

La filosofia i el mestre [Philosophy and the teacher] (pp. 355-359).

Pedagogía y practicismo [Pedagogy and practicality] (pp. 360-364).

Normas y valores [Norms and values] (pp. 365-369).

Educación y libertad [Education and freedom] (pp. 370-375).

Filosofia i educacio [Philosophy and education] (pp. 376-380).

Notas de Rusia [Notes from Russia] (pp. 381-385).

Prólogo a la antología de Fichte [Foreword to the Fichte Anthology] (pp. 386-395).

El principi de llibertat i la consciencia moral [The principle of liberty and moral conscience] (pp. 396-399).

La pedagogía y la vida [Pedagogy and life] (pp. 400-404).

El concepte de libertat i el problema de l’educacio [The concept of freedom and the problem of education] (pp. 405-419).

La reforma universitaria [University reform] (pp. 420-434).

La formación universitaria del Magisterio [Teacher training at university] (pp. 438-442).

Idees fonamentals d’una pedagogía [Fundamental ideas of a pedagogy] (pp. 443-445).

Libertad y vocación [Freedom and vocation] (pp. 460-466).

El sentido de la Universidad [The meaning of the University] (pp. 467-498).

Luis Vives y el humanismo [Luis Vives and humanism] (pp. 505-512).

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Rousseau y las ideas políticas modernas [Rousseau and modern political ideas] (pp. 35-73).

Xirau, J. (2000). Obras completas III (vol. 2). Fundación Caja Madrid/Anthropos.

La plenitud orgánica [Organic wholeness] (pp. 57-74).

Cultura relativista [Relativistic culture] (pp. 159-162).

Del pasar a la historia [From passing into history] (pp. 262-268).

Educación sexual [Sex education] (pp. 285-290).

Notes sobre la vida interior [Notes on inner life] (pp. 291-295).

Sobre la organización de la paz [On organising peace] (pp. 313-327).

Author Biography

Jaime Vilarroig-Martín is an Associate Professor at the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, with two recognised six-year periods of research activity. He teaches philosophical anthropology and other subjects on the degrees in primary teaching and nursing. He is an occasional collaborator with the Universitat Jaume I and the Centro Superior de Estudios Teológicos Mater Dei in Castellón. He has published a handbook of philosophical anthropology and of applied ethics. His publications in collaborative works and journals consider different authors and subjects linked to Spanish philosophy.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Joaquín Xirau, School of Barcelona, Spanish philosophy