



Introduction: interest in evaluating the improvements resulting from external evaluation processes in higher education has revealed that there is a lack of objective instruments available for this purpose. Consequently, this study presents the design and validation of an instrument for evaluating the improvement effect of the accreditation system of Spanish university degrees. Methodology: a 108-item questionnaire was prepared and was applied to a sample of 1964 subjects from different university groups (students, teachers, management, etc.). Its reliability and construct validity were analysed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results: analysis of the instrument’s technical characteristics showed high reliability, both overall and at the dimensional level, with Cronbach’s α and McDonald’s ω being greater than .95. The EFA identified eight factors that contained the 105 items finally included, explaining 77.37% of the variance in Discussion and conclusions: these results all indicate that the instrument designed is reliable and valid, with a solid multidimensional structure that makes it possible to evaluate the impact of the accreditation system on various aspects of Spanish university degrees.

Please, cite this article as follows: García-Domingo, B., Rodríguez-Mantilla, J. M., & Martínez-Zarzuelo, A. (2023). Instrumento para valorar el impacto del sistema de acreditación en educación superior: validación mediante análisis factorial exploratorio [An instrument to evaluate the impact of the higher education accreditation system: Validation through exploratory factor analysis]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (286), 555-578. 10.22550/REP81-3-2023-06

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Author Biography

Begoña García-Domingo. Doctor of Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). She was an associate professor in the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Education of the CES Don Bosco in Madrid higher education institute (affiliated to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid [UCM]) until 2019. Since then, she has carried out her teaching and research activity in the Department of Research and Psychology of Education (in the research methods area) of the Faculty of Education of the UCM. She is a member of the “Quality and evaluation of educational institutions” research group (UCM). She has participated in different research and innovation projects, especially taking an interest in measuring and evaluating the competences of teachers, emotional intelligence in formative settings, and educational quality.


Jesús-M. Rodríguez-Mantilla. Doctor of Education from the UCM. He teaches in the Department of Educational Research and Psychology (in the research methods area) of the Faculty of Education of the UCM. He is director of the “Quality and evaluation of educational institutions” research group (UCM). He has two recognised six-year periods of research activity. He is associate director of the Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía journal. He is currently coordinator of the degree in Pedagogy and coordinator of the School Pedagogy Practicum in the Faculty of Education of the UCM.


Angélica Martínez-Zarzuelo. Doctor of Education from the UCM. She teaches and researches in the Department of Didactics of Experimental Sciences, Social Sciences and Mathematics (in the didactics of mathematics area) of the Faculty of Education-Teacher Training Centre of the UCM. Her research interests include educational evaluation and educational quality. She is a member of the “Quality and evaluation of educational institutions” research group (UCM).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Accreditation, evaluation of impact, exploratory factor analysis, measurement instrument