



This study aims to present a test to assess spelling competence (TCORT) in incoming Spanish university students and to obtain validity evidence to support its use. The starting point was a bank of 73 items covering the most relevant spelling areas of the Spanish language, and the 37 most representative items were selected from the information provided by six experts. Afterwards, a pilot study of the TCORT was carried out with 602 students. The final version consisted of 31 items, with sufficient internal consistency (α = .90; ω = .89) and an invariant unidimensional structure between sexes. It also correlated significantly with other variables, such as previous performance (r = .37, p <.01), verbal reasoning (r = .27, p <.01) and spelling, measured with another tool not adapted to the target population (r = .45, p <.01). Validity evidence based on the test content, internal structure and relations to other variables supported the use of the test to assess spelling competences in incoming university students. The usefulness of TCORT in providing relevant data to facilitate the creation of university policies aimed at promoting spelling competence training in university students is discussed.

Please, cite this article as follows: Luesia, J. F., Plaza, J. F., Benítez, I., & Sánchez-Martín, M. (2023). Desarrollo y validación del test de competencia ortográfica TCORT en estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso [Development and validation of the test of spelling competence (TCORT) in incoming university students]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81 (286), 601-636. 10.22550/REP81-3-2023-08

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Author Biography

Juan F. Luesia is a Research Assistant in the Psychology Department of Universidad Loyola Andalucía. Graduate in Psychology of UNED (Spain), where he specialised in the field of methodology through the inter-university master’s degree in Behavioural Sciences and Health Methodology. He is currently undertaking his thesis focused on the assessment of relevant academic competences in university performance through a comprehensive approach to the phenomenon and the application of mixed methods. His scientific interest covers the applied study of methodology from an interdisciplinary perspective.


Juan F. Plaza is an Associate Professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain), where he teaches the Written Communication subject in the Communication degree. Doctor of Communication of Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. He has been deputy dean of the Communication degree in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain) and is currently his general vice-secretary. His research focuses on the study of male and female representations in the mass media (stereotypes, models, language). His work as an assessor in Spanish communication journals should also be noted.


Isabel Benítez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Behavioural Sciences Methodology at Universidad de Granada (Spain). Doctor of Psychology of Universidad de Granada. She specialised in psychometry and pretesting methods to assess survey questionnaires. Her research focuses on the application of qualitative processes, such as cognitive interviewing and behavioural coding, in order to assess the quality of assessment tools within the framework of mixed validation studies. In the same context, she has also taken part in the assessment of bias and equivalence in transcultural studies.


Milagrosa Sánchez-Martín is an Associate Professor and Dean in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain). Doctor of Psychology of Universidad de Sevilla. Over the years, her scientific production has centred on the development of methodological processes related to the assessment of programmes and methodological quality. Her scientific and technical interests are currently focused on continuing to implement rigorous and multidisciplinary methodologies that make it possible to obtain valid and reliable results in order to address problems that have a major impact on social sciences and health.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

spelling, competence, university students, validity, academic performance