



This study, based on the learning patterns model, analyses the relationship between different regulation profiles and satisfaction with a flipped-classroom didactic experience at university. A profile of genuine self-regulation is identified, as well as learning profiles based on external regulation and passive regulation. A total of 178 university students participate, voluntarily answering the regulation strategies subscales of the ILS Inventory and another final questionnaire about satisfaction with the flipped classroom and their perceived learning during this didactic experience. The results show a clear relationship between the self-regulation profile and satisfaction with the flipped classroom, although satisfaction was also found in students with an external regulation profile. However, this last group did not show satisfaction with their academic outcome. Another profile that was less adaptive thanks to its passiveness towards regulation was also identified. The results are discussed and the importance of designing personalised learning itineraries based on the specific command of regulation strategies is emphasised. Consequently, the design of educational actions should consider the regulation profile to adapt to students’ specific characteristics and guarantee the success of the didactic strategy.

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Author Biography

J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández. Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Coordinator of the Psychology of Communication & Change doctoral programme. He studies learning patterns and university research training as leader of the PAFIU group. He has participated in more than ten research projects and various research contracts, and is author of more than sixty publications of international impact.


Ingrid Noguera Fructuoso. Pedagogue, master’s in University Teaching and doctorate in Educational Multimedia. Assistant professor in Theories of Education and Social Pedagogy at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Her research interests are innovative teaching methodologies and teaching-learning in the digital society. She has an extensive research career and international profile. She currently leads the European FLeD: learning design for flexible education project.


Anna Ciraso-Calí. Pedagogue, master’s in Behavioural and Health Sciences Methodology and doctorate in Psychology of Communication and Change. Professor of Practice in Applied Pedagogy at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Her field of research is analysis of learning processes in different educational and life contexts, with special emphasis on patterns of learning; continuous training, especially of teachers; and empowering young people.


Antonio Vega-Martínez. Professor of Practice at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in Basic, Developmental, and Educational Psychology. Doctorate in Psychology of Communication and Change and bachelor’s in Social Education. Master’s in Neuropsychology of Education from the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja. Member of the PAFIU research group. He researches learning patterns in higher education and university research training. He has participated in conferences and published in high-impact journals.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

regulation strategies, flipped classroom, university students, satisfaction, self-regulation