



The importance of attending to the emotional development of students is increasingly present in the educational field, especially in secondary education. At this stage, adolescents experience a variety of changes and needs that require training and emotional support. However, in order to be able to apply effective educational programmes that promote emotional development, it is essential to know the level of emotional competence of students, and for this purpose, assessment instruments are needed that can appropriately assess this competence. This paper presents the validation of the Emotional Development Questionnaire for Secondary School Students (CDE-SEC). A sample of 1296 students from the first to the fourth year of Compulsory Secondary Education from different schools in Spain was used, although partial samples were used for specific analyses. Several studies have been carried out to demonstrate the internal consistency and validity of the instrument: the calculation of the reliability coefficient, confirmatory factor analysis, and the correlation of the CDE-SEC with recognised measures of emotional intelligence, personality, adjustment difficulties, social behaviour, and self-esteem. In addition, incremental validity was studied by means of a regression study. The results indicate that the CDE-SEC is a theoretically well-founded questionnaire with good psychometric characteristics. In short, it is considered an optimal tool for assessing the emotional competence of secondary school students and evaluating the effectiveness of educational programmes to promote personal, emotional and social development.

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Author Biography

Núria Pérez-Escoda. PhD in Educational Sciences and associate professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Universidad de Barcelona. Coordinator of the Educational Psychology Guidance Research Group (GROP) at the same university. Her main line of research is emotional education. She has led or collaborated in different R&D projects of Spain’s Ministry of Education and Science, as well as in other European projects (Erasmus+). She is also the author of several books relating to guidance and emotional education.


Alberto Alegre. Full Professor in the Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education of the East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania (USA). Founding member of the EIINA (Emotional Intelligence in Action) consultancy. Doctorate in Human Development from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg). His research interests focus on research and dissemination in the field of emotional intelligence, a subject on which he has written several articles and books.


Èlia López-Cassà. PhD in Educational Sciences and associate professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization at the Universidad de Barcelona. She belongs to the Educational Psychopedagogical Guidance Research Group (GROP) at this university. Her research focuses on emotional education and the development of emotional competencies. She has published books, chapters, and articles, and has participated in several competitive research projects funded by Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation. She is currently the principal researcher at an international project on the implementation and evaluation of socioemotional competencies in primary and secondary education students, financed by the European Commission.


Josefina Álvarez-Justel. PhD in Educación Society, and Quality of Life at the Universidad de Lleida. She teaches and does research in the departments of Research and Diagnostic Methods and Diagnostics in Education at the Universidad de Lleida and the Universidad de Barcelona. She is a member of the Psychopedagogical Guidance Research Group (GROP) at the Universidad de Barcelona (GROP). Her main lines of research are tutoring and guidance, decision making, and emotional education, which she has dealt with in a number of publications.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

emotional competence, questionnaire, validity, factor analysis, secondary education