This article investigates the impact of background binaural music on educational attainment within the context of a natural experiment. In a university business school, seventy-three undergraduate students participated in this study, providing a maximum of 707 observations at 16 points in time. The students were divided into three groups (Microeconomics A and B, and International Economics) and were further categorized into control and experimental groups at different stages of the courses. All students attended classes from January to June 2021, with the addition of binaural music as a treatment in either the first or second part of the courses (divided into three parts). After each lecture, students completed a multiple-choice quiz designed to assess their learning during the lecture. Utilizing t-tests for mean comparisons and panel data econometric techniques, the study found that the scores of the experimental groups were significantly higher than those of the control groups. Overall, binaural music was observed to increase quiz scores by 8 to 20 basis points.
This article investigates the impact of background binaural music on educational attainment within the context of a natural experiment. In a university business school, 73 undergraduate students participated in this study, providing a maximum of 707 observations at 16 points in time. The students were divided into three groups (Microeconomics A and B, and International Economics) and were further categorized into control and experimental groups at different stages of the courses. All students attended classes from January to June 2021, with the addition of binaural music as a treatment in either the first or second part of the courses (divided into three parts). After each lecture, students completed a multiple-choice quiz designed to assess their learning during the lecture. Utilizing t-tests for mean comparisons and panel data econometric techniques, the study found that the scores of the experimental groups were significantly higher than those of the control groups. Overall, binaural music was observed to increase quiz scores by 8 to 20 basis points.
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Citación recomendada | Recommended citation
Tovar-García, E. D. (2024). Binaural music and educational attainment: Evidence from longitudinal and quasi-experimental data [Música binaural y logro educativo: evidencia con datos longitudinales y cuasiexperimentales]. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 82 (289).
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Palabras clave | Keywords
Economics, educational attainment, binaural music, natural experiment, longitudinal studies