
Las narrativas climáticas en las agendas educativas: sobre el valor del tiempo para la investigación pedagógica y las políticas ambientales




A matter of time. This could be, in its connotations that are most open to scientific, pedagogical and social interpretation, the principal claim referred to by arguments in which are projected the reflective, methodological, empirical, and documentary concerns of the text we present regarding climate narratives in the educational agendas of the third millennium. In any case, the fact that their approaches raise a wide and varied range of questions about the value of time for pedagogical research and socio-environmental policies cannot be ignored. From this perspective, the aim of this article is to emphasise the importance of educating in time, without further delay, about the challenges posed by the climate emergency, promoting systematic and rigorous research on key issues so that they are addressed in education and society; especially when the slow convergence between climate and education policies can be observed, illustrated here by the Spanish case. We conclude by highlighting that educational research must take into account the rhythms of the crisis: from the temporal dimension (synchronic and diachronic) inherent to anthropogenic climate change, up to the dimension that must be incorporated, as a key factor, in any socio-ecological transition that promotes lifestyles that are ecologically and socially sustainable, fair, and equitable.

Financiación | Funding

The research to which this contribution is linked was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, through the State Research Agency, by the award of a grant from the 2022 call for “Knowledge Generation” R+D+i projects (coordinated project, ref.: PID2022-136933OB-C21 y C22).

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Author Biography

José-Antonio Caride. Doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Pedagogy), with special prize, from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), where he is a full professor in Social Pedagogy in the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. He was head of the Department of Theory and History of Education and Social Pedagogy at USC and was commissioned by this university for the “Campus da Cidadanía” project, in the areas of social and legal sciences, arts, and humanities (2015-2018). He is head of the “Social Pedagogy and Environmental Education (SEPA-interea)” research group, with research interests in educational and social times; social education, citizenship, and human rights; and environmental education, culture of sustainability, and human development. He was head of the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social (Iberoamerican Social Pedagogy Society) from 2002 to 2013, of which he was a founding member. He is the author of more than 500 publications in journals, books, chapters, specialist journals, and different media outlets. He has co-codirected the Diccionario Galego de Pedagoxía [Galician Dictionary of Pedagogy] (Galaxia, 2010) and, recently, the book Realidades e horizontes da educación en Galicia [Realities and Prospects of Education in Galicia] (Kalandraka, 2024). XI José Manuel Esteve Prize, from the Universidad de Málaga, for the best education article (2019). He was coordinator of the educational sciences area at the State Research Agency (AEI) between 2018 and 2023; since 2021, he has been an academic-research advisor for the National Commission for the Assessment of Research Activity (CNEAI-ANECA).


José Gutiérrez-Pérez. Chair of Research and Diagnostic Methods in Education at the Universidad de Granada. He teaches on the official bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate programmes. He has coordinated the Official Inter-University Master’s in Environmental Education at the Universidad de Granada since 2009, winning the Andalusian Environment Prize for best environmental education project in 2014. He is director of the HUM-890 research group, “Assessment in Environmental, Social and Institutional Education”, since 1999. This group was awarded the II National Educational Research Prize in 2004. Since 2014, he has been head of the university assessment and accreditation area of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency. His research trajectory relates to research in education for sustainability. He has directed seven research projects with funding from competitive public sources. He is part of various international networks linked to research and cooperation projects such as RESCLIMA (Respuestas Educativas y Sociales al Cambio Climático; Educational and Social Responses to Climate Change in English). He has run various innovation projects relating to assessing teaching and institutional quality. He is the author of various articles and books on research methodology and is a member of professional associations in the field of educational research. He is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and has participated in various technical committees for the preparation of the white paper on environmental education in Spain and various autonomous region environmental education strategies.


Pablo-Ángel Meira-Cartea. Associate Professor of Environmental Education (EE) at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Member of the Social Pedagogy and Environmental Education Research Group (SEPA). His research centres on the theoretical and ideological foundations of EE, the design of public EE policies, social representations of climate change and education and communication in view of the climate emergency. María Barbeito prize for pedagogical research prize (2009). José Manuel Esteve prize for the best scientific article with pedagogical content (2021). Creator and coordinator of the RESCLIMA project. Cofounder of the Sociedade Galega de EA (Galician EA Society). Promotor of the Rede de Pesquisadores Internacionais em Educação Ambiental e Justiça Climática (Network of International Researchers in Environtal Education and Climate Justice - REAJA) and the Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental (Lusophone Environmental Education Network - RedeLuso). Author and coauthor of more than 250 publications, including Educación ambiental y desarrollo humano [Environmental education and human development] (2001), In praise of environmental education (2005), Comunicar el cambio climático [Communicating climate change] (2009), Climate change, education and communication: A critical perspective on obstacles and resistences (2010), La sociedad española ante el cambio climático [Spanish society before climate change] (2009, 2011, 2013, 2020), Climate change and education (2019), and Educación para el cambio climático. ¿Educar sobre el clima o para el cambio? [Climate change education. Educating on the climate or for change?] (2020).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Educational policies, environmental policies, environmental education, climate emergency, pedagogical research, social times.